Mondoshawan ships are extremely large and bulky, and are depicted during two parts of the Fifth Element movie. They typically land vertically. Mondoshawan ships do not seem to carry any known defenses, being a pacifist race.
In 1914, prior to the Outbreak of World War I, a single Mondoshawan ship visited Earth, specifically the Chamber in Egypt. Upon arriving, the ship's crew were greeted by the current Priest who assured them that the stones and Fifth Element were safe, despite an archaeologist and his apprentice investigating the chamber. After rendering the archaeologist there unconscious, the Mondoshawan proceeded to extract the stones and Fifth Element. When the priest asked why the Mondoshawan were taking Earth's only defense against The Great Evil, the Leader replied "War is coming, stones not safe on Earth anymore". The Leader (distinguished by the large spikes on his armor) was unfortunately shot at by the bewildered apprentice and was sealed in the chamber, but not before passing the Key to the Priest with the command "Pass the knowledge to the next priest as it was passed on to you." The Mondoshawan ship itself then lifted off and left Earth.
The Mondoshawan mothership (quite possibly the same one that landed in 1914 Egypt) returned years later in 2263, when The Great Evil resurfaced. Returning with the Fifth Element as they had promised, the Mondoshawan made their way to Earth as the Great Evil returned. Unfortunately, Mangalores hired by Zorg shot down the Mondoshawan ship as it passed Jupiter in a vicious attack that left only one survivor, the Fifth Element, who was later retrieved by Human scouts and resurrected back in New York, Earth.