New York City is the capital of the the Federated Territories, and the location of the president's headquarters. Like most major Earth cities, New York is a massive megalopolis whose buildings reach for miles into the sky. Urban spread has taken over much of what used to be known as the Tri-state Area.
The city even boasts the New York Spaceport, based in Jamaica, Queens, as part of the expanded John F. Kennedy International Airport. The shuttle to Fhloston Paradise departs from there, and it can be seen flying over Jamaica Bay on departure, heading east toward the Atlantic Ocean.
Korben Dallas lives in an apartment and keeps his cab in a garage in Brooklyn.
Nucleo Labs, where Leeloo was resurrected, is located in Manhattan.
Behind the Scenes[]
While it is not actually seen in the film, Central Park still exists in New York City, and is in the same location as the original - but is 100 feet in the air.